

Till the swan song.
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight...
For her sunken eyes mirror bemoan,
the aftershocks of a marred heart...
Broken promises, malicious gossip,
Stoked that raging storm
Howling in murky tumult,
Stripped off her peaceful vale
She thought her days were done.

But though all hope seemed to have fled
She waited in calm for that storm to rest
Whence the gallant in her bosom roared
No pain seemed too much to endure,
Matter not now...how
Harrowing, dark and forlorn perhaps...
The morning sun's lucent light,
That cast its radiance on her bind
All is not lost till the swan song!!!
Must I not cease to smile thus
Till that inner gleam of every desire
In me ...like a balm of bliss
Caress my weary soul!!

© Kawal