

My Bunny Friend till the end🐰🐷
In sorrows and joy, we've stood side by side,
My best friend, forever, with him I confide.
We watch movies together, laughter in the air,
Drinking and fooling around, without any care.

Cheating in ludo, we play and we tease,
Grumpy and funny, a true friend who can please.
My movie partner, we share the silver screen,
Bike rides and stupid talks, a friendship so keen.

Long conversations, we have day and night,
Through thick and thin, he's my guiding light.
People often doubt, are we just friends or more?
But we laugh and joke, it's a friendship to adore.

Handsome with big eyes, his smile is so cute,
Bunny teeth and charm, he's an absolute brute.
I call him bunny and bun bun, he calls me piggy,
Endearing nicknames, making our bond so twiggy.

Love my best friend, always there by my side,
Compliments and support, he never hides.
During my breakup phase, he helped me to mend,
Guided me, stood against all, my true friend.

He adores me always, his words so kind,
Expressing love for him, hard to define.
But words fall short to measure the extent,
Of my love for this guy, my heaven-sent.

Blessed to have him, no matter the distance,
Even though he shifted for his job's existence.
Our bond remains strong, against all the odds,
Sometimes he's busy, making me a bit sod.

But nothing can tear us apart, that we know,
Come back soon, my friend, I miss you so.
Together we'll conquer, in laughter and tears,
A friendship like ours, enduring for years.
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