

Because You Call Me a Friend
I will give you a big hug anytime
because you call me a friend
i will hold your hand when you need it held
because you called me a friend
i will wipe away your tears when you cry
because you called me a friend
i will make you smile when you are down
because you called me a friend
i will help you up when you stumble
because you called me a friend
i will listen when nobody else wil listen
because you called me a friend
i will not judge you
because you called me a friend
and when you are mena to me i forgive you
because you called me a friend
my friend you are my crutch when i cannot walk
thats why i am your friend

#friendship #freindsforever #freinds👥 #youaremyfreind#fit #fitooreqatib #lovemorenmore💓