

King Ataraxis

In a kingdom far away,
There lived a newly enthroned king.
He was young and raw,
With flaw as his companion.
This king, far away, crossed a thousand seas,
To the Shrine of The Immortal Being.
There he offered a precious offering,
Like the aroma of seasoned sauce,
The scent of a blossom pink rose flower.
The Immortal Being, delighted at his offering,
Gave him one wish.
King Ataraxis, asked for sapience,
And The Immortal Being granted his wish;
King Ataraxis fared back to his kingdom.

With this great gift from The Immortal Being,
King Ataraxis made for himself, wealth and fame.
He became a prince of power and prestige, and his land, of peace.
With pure gold, he was adorned
Silver and bronze became filth in his eyes, a scorn.

Woe, woe came unto the mighty King Ataraxis.
He had fleets of wives, for he loved many strange women
These strange women, became agents of distraction
And one after another, led his heart away from purpose.
And alas, his kingdom was torn apart.

© Peter Imini