

Dear Sunshine
Oh sunshine..
Why did you loose your smile
It wasn't any crime
Wishing yourself happy and fine
No they didn't deserve
Your care and lovely words
Don't defend their side
Blaming yourself, don't you chide
People change, no need of avenge
Time passes, the faces fade
Like the memory that is distant
You deserve someone, respecting consent
No sweetheart, just don't cry
You have already surpassed your try
It is ok to move on and smile
It is ok not to talk anything for a while
Like the crimson evening blur
Nothing is same anymore
Acceptance is the core
To stop the hurt and be beautiful one more
And when my words make any sense
Just think and repeat to self,
Why do you loose the precious smile
When you can be happy all the while.

© Soni

Pic credits:Pinterest

#wavesofwait #writco #writcoapp #Poetry #poem #love #selflove