

Watch your tread or it'll drop your coronal
Thus, your decretal is rigidity and a’scendency
A Phosphorescent blaze will bulwark your khanate
The deepest awareness is that you're not a congregation to worship this moronic
Comprehends your prudent and meticulous stand proudly in your majesty's territory
Look at the remnants of your innocence that have been gullible by nocuous mead
Now clap three times, first applause for your innocence, second applause for your obtuseness and third applause for your tenderness

My naked eyes are quite sore to see this hogwash
If hogwash looks like smudges how smeared this shepherd, this is honey-drenched discourse
The malevolent grimace will continue to surround you like a jeopardy chain
How can I not fidgety about this swindle, but you don't heed my commemoration!
Or did you bring up counterfeit grapevine just to get my consideration?
This is your unstable stance—
When the typhoon surges come to you, you hold on to me
You just left your track here and got rid of me
Maybe you are a congregation of this shepherd
And one thing I understand maybe candour is malediction for me

©Uni Nindiani