

Plan's End
When life's trials seem to get in the way, and it is so hard in this fallen world to find the hope for another day, being so far apart from Your loving care, and That Presence, so precious for me to love I just want to share;
I will always know that sometimes You say yes, oh Lord, and sometimes You say no, My Love; but at other times, You have to remind me that We agreed to be looking for the plan's end, and not how it's just beginning to be begun.
I know You, and Your love, Your grace and mercy, how You paid the price for my condemnation, through the price that paid on the cross of Calvary. What got You through it all, was the joy of being able to recieve us all, and that is the joy I need to see and the love I want You to display through me, during these things, oh Lord.
© Brother Stephen Scottt