

a Dream's deadline
In shadows deep where dreams once danced,
He chased illusions, lost in trance.
Each line a flight to realms of night,
In powdered snow, his dreams took flight.

Yet midst the highs, a toll was paid,
As dreams dissolved and hopes decayed.
In whispers hushed, his secrets sealed,
Beneath the mask that fate revealed.

His visions blurred, his spirit frayed,
In echoes dim, memories swayed.
Dreams left behind, in silent flight,
Lost to the wind, in endless night.

Yet still, a spark within the dark,
A glimmer of hope, a fading arc.
For even in the depths of pain,
Hope's light persists, through sun and rain.

But alas, as dawn approached near,
His dreams, now clear, turned to fear.
For in their midst, a twisted plot,
His only escape, his final shot.

With trembling hand and heavy heart,
He played his role, a tragic part.
For dreams transformed to cruel demise,
As he embraced his last goodbyes.

In shadows deep, where dreams once danced,
He took his leave, in one last chance.
No more illusions, no more flight,
Just silence now, in endless night.

© Joealan