

In the chains of sorrow

© Siziphiwe Nobhadla

I thought! I thought!
I thought my soul has recovered,
But something l discovered
That happiness, l can't borrow
And loneliness brings sorrow

My smile cushions pain
In my mind it's a stain.
I thought, happiness ...l can fake
For the pain, it can take
Away from my fragile heartt
So that it doesn't hurt
But l was wrong

My soul sinks
My heart sings
A sad song
My eyes covered with fog.

I thought !!!!
Weeping could bring some relief
But was causing some grief
This sorrow needs an expression
Before it leads to depression.
l need some courage
So l can manage ,
Before severe damage

From the chains ,,
I thought l could escape
Even by chance,
But l couldn't cope

I thought l could run away
But No way !!!
This runs in my veins
To run !! that went in vain
Now l have to face the reality
Even if it ruins my spirit

It's tough
Life is rough
This pain is so deep
This road is so steep
My mind makes a strange noise
But nobody knows
Noise, such terrible
Makes me much miserable.

I ever wanted to be greatful
And never to be regretful
My soul is becoming lazy
My mind is going crazy.
My days are restless
And nights sleepless
My mind says a lot
But my mouth is folding hands

I'm running a race
With so slow pace
This is a soloride
Because am on my own side

In my heart it's raining
It hurts and is energy draining
Every time I'm looking for peace,
My heart is left in pierces
Everytime l hope for the better,
My heart becomes bitter
Everytime l hope for a change .
Everything becomes strange.
Everytime I want my life to settle
Everything is in battle.

This is disturbing my life
It's a stabbing nkife.
Wounds so deep
Clouds do weep .

Every fear has courage to burry
Every tear drop has pain to carry
Always l, am hoping for sun rise
To bring some light
But no no at night!!!
It doesn't rise

This is sad
My mid is going mad
Deep down l fall
The pain grows go tall.

I'm prisoned in the cage of sorrow