

He isn't mine
An amazing boy that I know
With him makes me grow
And so much on my mind
I wish he was mine
But there as I hide
Right behind my pride
Wish he would know
But I know he doesn't know

Wait......he does know!
But why isn't he going to tell
Why delay to cast the spell
That I cannot say
Maybe the price too high to pay
What if I may!
How do I say!
Would he get mad and cry
That would make me sad cos I try
He says I'm beautiful
I say he glow
He says I'm wonderful
I tease he is grown
And when I'm sad and blue
He cheers me up
When he talks and con- fused
I listen up
All I wish to say
Might take his breath away
But how do I say my emotions
Because it has no descriptions
But it's fine
Because he isn't mine.
At his end.....
I'm just a friend.

17 May 2021
© phanieanas