

When I take my last breath ...
When I take my last breath ,
Will the clouds grieve my death and rain it's tears for me ?

When I take my last breath ,
Will the ocean waves wail in agony and call for a tsunami ?

When I take my last breath ,
Will the breeze roar in indignation and bring a cyclone for my injustice?

When I take my last breath ,
Will the birds , to keep me off nightmares, sing me a farewell lullaby ?

When I take my last breath ,
Will the trees shed their leaves in torment and endure my sufferings ?

When I take my last breath ,
Will the fire growl in anguish and burn down all of my enemies?

When I take my last breath,
Will the ice melt with sorrow and ripple for my ritual of litany?

When I take my last breath ,
Will the earth break down into pieces to gobble up the sinister beings ?

When I take my last breath ,
Will the heavens bring a chariot for me to rest in peace ?
Or ,
Will the hell drag me down and bound me again with the endless miseries?
© JK