

I wonder what would happen if...
I wonder what would happen if you just leave me alone? I wonder what would happen if I change my number? Would you still bother me? I don't want anything to do with you anymore I don't know why you keep contacting me about stupid stuff that isn't relevant anymore! You ruined everything, so I can't help you anymore! I can't let you in anymore! So I finally told you tonight that it's over and if you ever contact me again you will be in even more trouble than you're already are in! I'm tired of you so sick of you bothering me and won't leave me alone! I don't even feel safe in my own place anymore!Not only because of you but because it's just a lot of drama from you and shit even more. I don't need to deserve to deal with I'm a good person. So I never quite understand why I went through all the things I have been through. I don't know if it's maybe it made me the person I am today. Still standing strong! As a strong powerful woman! I can't understand how I made it so far in life like it's like women empowerment to me. We can do it! Just like Rosie the river said, but that's for only us women. Sometimes we as women go through so much shit that we don't deserve sometimes hard to deal with when you look back on your past life and wonder how you're still pushing it through to the end. It's strange how sometimes women are always the victims of a lot of crimes that men do. Like are women only the good people are left in the world, or is it men too? No one will ever know until we have an actual answer to The facts of Life, and the answer to this question. It's just so hard sometimes especially when you have someone so toxic keeps bothering you and you just want them to leave you alone! So then now you sit and you wonder what would happen if they just got what they deserve and that is for them to leave you alone! What the fuck is people's problems anyways? Life is definitely sometimes a mystery, and you definitely sometimes wonder when do people give up? Just leaving you alone.