

"Winter's Promise: A Symphony of Spring"
Snowflakes gently fall,
Winter's icy grip takes hold,
But hope springs within.

Beneath the frosty veil,
Nature slumbers, waiting still,
For life to blossom.

In the darkest days,
A whisper of warmth emerges,
Promising rebirth.

The cold may linger,
But with each passing moment,
Spring's light draws closer.

Buds, like tiny dreams,
Begin to stir beneath the ground,
Yearning to burst forth.

Melting snow reveals,
A tapestry of colors,
Painting joy anew.

Chirping birds return,
Their melodies bring laughter,
And hearts dance with glee.

If winter comes near,
In its wake, joy shall arise,
For spring knows no bounds.

© Shreya R. G. Kanade