

3rd Wheel The Casts
To all my beloved supporters
I would like to say Thank You to each one of you. Visit my account and don't forget to read this wonderful story.

A story of love and friendship between two maidens with platonic love. Is the type of love that is not sexual. it was a love that inspired nobler pursuits, and brought one closer to the divine. It brought about the best in both people.
platonic love can be deep and intense, and form some of life’s best, and longest friendships.


1. Kim Cusack
*Scarlet's boy friend. His father is against to their relationship.
2. Scarlet McDowell
* (Main Character) with platonic love to her step sister 3rdy.
3. Mary Katherine Fitzgerald also known as 3rdy.
* (Main Character)
4. Trevor Hudson
*3rdy's boyfriend
5. Clifford Bloom
*3rdy's best friend. The love interest

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