

Red, White... Blue?
Need some ice cream. Had a pipe dream.

You... yeah, you!

Outta be florescent blooms.

Flickering toons distract smiles of goons.

Ever seen the normal teams?

Same tools, different seams, they say they don't have dreams.

Pop of their collor is with the flick of their pens, and key strokes.

"Different strokes, different folks!"

Stressed a little paradigm?

Not alleged sinners. Eating silver plated dinners, paid for what fan fame of some, ink, cart, rideges, papers.

Job security?

"I want peace, but some one has the be looney, or I don't get paid."

"Bugs Bunny on my desk!"

Mail stamp. Get laid... Off? Post that?

Full habitiat of smiling masks.

Amors, masks, papers, actors, writers.

Directors have letters, and more.

Not under a cloak.

They don't call, text, or write...
Face to face, eliminates rights.

Nice they may be? Mirrage, and pow...

"Err? What happened to you?"

"I asked for help with...
Now it's through."

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