

Glory Days

She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she shed,
Through the pain and drain,
Early she wakes to make hay,
Quietly without complaint,
She pushes forth her tent,
Not a time left to rent,
She pledges within her soul,
Her glory days must sail,

And so she trampled on,
It took but a few battles,
Endless it felt sometimes,

But it came,
Duly as if by fate,
Now, She strolls in luxury,
Now, She smiles completely,
Now, She sings within,
She is praised by all and sundry,
But they know not how she grew,
For them she shares her story,
That they may be inspired,
And know that if they keep the fate,
Their glory days too shall sail.
© Gloria walters