

Sex, a force so primal and true,
A drive that burns, in me and you,
A yearning for connection, for touch and for fire,
A desire that consumes, and never tires.

But sex is a double-edged sword, we find,
Bringing joy and pain, entwined,
A pleasure so pure, yet a risk so real,
A vulnerability, that we must all feel.

It's a dance of intimacy, a merging of souls,
A surrender of control, and a loss of roles,
A moment of truth, where we're laid bare,
Exposed and open, with no secrets to share.

But sex can also be a weapon, a tool of might,
A means to manipulate, and control the night,
A way to assert power, and dominance too,
Leaving scars, and wounds that never renew.

It's a language of love, yet a dialect of lust,
A fusion of emotions, and primal trust,
A bond between two, yet a solo flight,
A journey of discovery, through the dark of night.

Sex is a mystery, a riddle so grand,
A force that's both beautiful, and brutal in hand,
A source of life, yet a potential snare,
A bittersweet truth, that we must all share.

So let's approach sex, with hearts open wide,
And minds aware, of the risks we can't hide,
Let's cherish the love, and the intimacy true,
And navigate the complexities, with a heart that's anew.

© Gifted hands