

Renewal Of Hope
Standing at the edge of reality and disbelief, A broken soul shivers deep, Was torn and shattered on the reef, Where shadows and sorrows creep.

Yet in the darkness, a spark ignites, A glimmer of hope, a beacon of light, Through the storm, the soul takes flight, Finding strength to rise and fight.

With every step, the wounds begin to heal, The heart learns once more to feel, Embracing the dawn, the warmth, the real, A journey of renewal, a new ideal.

With courage found in whispered dreams, The soul ascends on moonlit beams, Through valleys low and mountain streams, To realms where hope forever gleams.

The past, a shadow, fades away, As dawn unfolds a brighter day, In fields of gold, the soul will play, And dance beneath the sun’s warm ray.

No longer bound by fear or pain, The heart beats strong, unchained, unfeigned, In love and light, it will remain, A testament to what’s regained.

© Ria K