

The Dance of Time and space

In the cradle of the cosmos, vast and deep,
Where stars are born and galaxies sweep,
Time and space, a pair entwined,
Weave the fabric of the cosmic mind.

Time, a river, relentless, flows,
From the dawn of creation to the twilight's close,
Moments fleeting, like whispers in the wind,
Marking the passage of all that has been.

Space, the canvas, infinite and grand,
Where the brush of the cosmos leaves its hand,
Planets orbit, comets blaze,
In the boundless, silent, celestial maze.

Together they dance, a cosmic ballet,
Eternal partners in night and day,
Curving and bending, in Einstein's embrace,
Gravity's whisper in the void of space.

From the Big Bang's roar to the black hole's call,
They govern the rise and the inevitable fall,
Stars ignite, then fade to night,
In the tapestry of their eternal flight.

Quantum whispers, strings that sing,
In the fabric where their stories cling,
Looping circles, dimensions unseen,
In the quantum foam where dreams convene.

Dark matter's ghost, dark energy's hand,
Shape the cosmos, vast and grand,
Unseen forces, silent and stark,
Guide the galaxies through the dark.

Yet in their dance, we find our place,
A fleeting moment in the endless chase,
Time and space, a wondrous rhyme,
The heartbeat of the universe, the pulse of time.