

My Land
My Land

Welcome to my Land.
Welcome to my Nation.
A Nation that is full of Milk and Honey
My Land that is endowed with Riches and Natural Resources. Raw minerals flows in my land.
My Land is indeed a pride
My land is indeed a blessing..

My Land!!!!!
What have you turn to?
Why have you lose your prestige?
My land that is being known for milk and honey is gradually turning to a desert and a place of isolation.
Who have you offend?
What have you done wrong?
What is your fault?

The corruption you have allow has spoiled your integrity.
The blood of the innocent is seeking and speaking for revenge.
Your leader have forgotten the foundation of the Ancient Landmark
They have chose to worship and adore themselves.
They oppress the poor, they seek too much of knowledge.
They want to be more skillful than there creator.
They suck the blood of the righteous and innocent.
They have forgotten there creator and prefer to be worshipped.
My Land!!!!!!
Authority and Power is what they seek. They love power and the way it's intoxicate them.

Who will save my land?
Who will restore my land..
This is a letter to the Immortal by Authority..
Arise the Ancient One, come and heal my land and restore my land..
Come and rescue and land and deliver my land from the mouth of the hungry Lions...
My land must know peace again.

Written by Subuloye Timileyin Samuel
Authority D' Writer...