Mysteries sorrounds the world we live in.
questions unanswered.
puzzles still unsolved.
knowledge still hidden.
every day I scan through books.
I search every page, every cranny and nook.
for answers.
what is life?
what is it purpose?
on what do we live?
on planet earth I suppose.
I searched in every book shelf In my school library.
I am tired I wrote in my diary.
I lay down In the silence.
I really need a...
questions unanswered.
puzzles still unsolved.
knowledge still hidden.
every day I scan through books.
I search every page, every cranny and nook.
for answers.
what is life?
what is it purpose?
on what do we live?
on planet earth I suppose.
I searched in every book shelf In my school library.
I am tired I wrote in my diary.
I lay down In the silence.
I really need a...