

A Beautiful Person

I loved him like
you would love a guy
and I loved him like
you love the stars,

It was okay to know
that he was doing fine
even if it was from miles away
I could smile knowing
he's smiling somewhere,

I woke up every morning
wondering what kind of day
he would have
and a tiny part of me
wished he would think of me,

But I knew he wouldn't
and that's why I loved him
for he made happy
without even trying,

He sang about love
and I wondered if he had felt it
was it sad like mine
or was it fulfilled,

Did he ever wait for
someone with open arms
only to realize they had already left

He smiled so brightly
it always made my day
and whenever I saw his tears
it was truly a heartbreak,

He had scars on his soul
and he wasn't ashamed of them
he proudly showed it to the world
and maybe that's why I accepted mine

He talked about life
with twinkling eyes
it made me wanna
live mine in a better way,

I love him because he's beautiful
he makes my life a better place.

© Shiny