

To Me and Me…
Happy Birthday to me.
Today I woke, I breathe, I rejoice,
I Celebrate.
Today I dream, I pray and
I achieve.
A privilege once again
granted to me.
God I'm grateful for today
and for every other day

I’ve looked around,
Tried to Walk uphill
Even Scaled mountains
Yet have I not found
The one as unique as Me.
Today is that day again…
To celebrate that same me…
With uniqueness unparalleled!
Happy birthday to me and me!

It’s another day of boundless joy!
It’s another day with a grateful heart.
The more I think, the more I’ll thank
The one above who’s been my all in all!

It’s been His help through all my days
He’s been the strength that carried me through
Without whom I’m worthy to be called a living soul.
And here I am, with appreciations I can’t utter.

The Journey Up Here
I’ve had to push through even when all odds were against me.
I’ve had to look forward even when my past failure beckoned on me.
I’ve put on the winning armour and have fought through.
I’ve given to hope when the best option was to give up.
I’ve been the strong me over the years and now it’s worth the decision!
I’ve been my own critics and my best of fans.
In all, it’s worth it being me and today I celebrate myself for that…
Happy birthday to me and myself.
© Simon