

A jolly summer day
Jolly summer day lasts forever
Will such a day come again : another?
Maybe yes or maybe no
It maybe fast or maybe slow
Forever's forever ; nothing else really matters
So let's all be merry, get your spirits to rise
Go touch the skylines, watch fireflies
Such a day will not come again : another
Jolly summer day lasts forever.

Jolly summer day we are living by
Does time has its own wings : can it fly?
Maybe yes or maybe no
It maybe high or maybe low
Forever's being lived by ; for nothing to cry
We shall sing hereby, hit the bull's eye
Sing so loud that your throats run dry
'Cause time has its own wings : it can fly
Jolly summer day we are living by.

Jolly summer day has passed away
Will forever come back today : like yesterday?
Maybe yes or maybe no
You may not or you may know
Forever's passed away ; we cannot repay
Its a long pathway, let yourselves sway
We are none but castaways, but it's okay
Forever will come back today : like yesterday
But jolly summer day has passed away.