

When I Will Let You Go (Inspired by Lost In The Echo by Linkin Park)
You were there with me
Yes you were when the sun shined bright
You were also the one behind my darkness
Your lies never let me be.

I gave you my love and trust
I adored you and thought
Maybe you felt the same too
But you hurt and abused me
Built me up and broke me down
Now I am hurting with rage
I want to see you get your due.

Your smile was poison,
And your hand always slippery
You made me look weak
Your "fake love" made me sick
You scooped up my insides
And turned me inside out.

You always hated my questions
Because you loved to plant seeds of doubt
Now that I know you,
I seek your demons and where they hide
Would you stand your ground?
Would you flee or fight?

I think you never really knew me,
Or felt the fire that burnt inside
You poured paint thinner on the flames
Would you cower when you will see my might?
Do you hate me now?
Because I know your petty games?

Would you stand up to me?
Or be a party to fools.
I like to bring it on,
And use my own tools
I hope you keep suffering
And I want you gone.

It was you who was lost and broken,
And you found myself within you,
My beliefs and foundations so shaken
Nothing you do or say rings true.
No matter how much you wear your masks
You have let your true colours show,
This is the one thing you have been dreading,
When I will let you go, go, go, go.

© HatedShadow91