

Dying is not so plain..
It started with the symptoms,
And slowly i had everything,
From headache to pain in my deep tissues and every inch of my bones.
Every hour i vomitted
with splling blood all over,
It was like I had a tap fitted inside.
The pain was gradual,
first it tingled like feather
and then punches as hard as it can,
with everything altogether,
I had severe blood loss,
People were scared about how pale i look,
there were clear sores all over my body,
Followed by unintended weight loss.
It marked up everyday
particularly when i got llb mets (lung liver bone metastasis)
i could sense my end was getting close,
every time i entered the hospice premises,
From one OPD to another,
Finally i entered the cancer OPD
I was diagnosed with a final stage,
I just felt so done
The treatment was even more dreadful than the symptoms
They started the chemo (chemotherapy),
It had more downsides than the benefits, in tons
i almost looked like a bald alien
with no body fat, just salient.
I appeared as i was bleached,
with sickening bruises all over.
It went to next level with radiotherapy,
when the radiations penetrated me,
It drained all my energy,
I felt so exhausted, barely alive to be.
The level of anxiety i had,
made me go crazy and super bad.
In the end i was regularly breathless.
My oxygen level was almost nil,
they came running, i was still like a corpse,
The ET tube was appalling
Every one was draining,
and thereby one held of my legs,
other group held my hands,
they then brought a hose like tube
and the intubation was done.
I was on ventilator,
The daily suctioning was like a death blow,
Had severe pains, nobody knew.
though i was unconscious,
I was able to feel the presence of darkness which was bout to engulf me,
It was right beside me I knew,
When i was numb things went sideways,
In an instant i was feeling breathless again,
I thought ventilator was on, I couldn't look.
But something was really wrong,
There was a fluctuation in current,
Sadly there was no one as an observant,
I tried everything to breathe on my own,
It was a lost cause.
I had no energy and my lungs had collapsed,
time flew past and my soul was blown
I felt nothing, no pain.
In a trice i felt so light and weightless,
Then i realised the unnatural things,
the people around me,
were all in bright white and glowing,
though it wasn't a bloody one,
I was dead and nobody noticed.

"dying is not so plain
it makes us remain
gives us all kinds of pain
and then it obtains (our soul)"

【●llb mets:- lung liver bone metastasis. A condition where the cancerous cells spreads to these organs and the survival rate becomes almost nil.

●ET tube:- endotracheal tube
●intubation:- ET tube is inserted invasively and is really painful. In emergency, no anesthesia is given.
●suctioning:- a procedure, its done in order to clear all the secretions and as the name suggests, it sucks the secretions and the pain the person bears is not measurable】

Sorry but there's isnt any bloody blood death here in my story but tried really hard to make it painful. Hope you all will like it because its almost a real life thing which i have witnessed many times.
@Yrus thanks to my anna for this great challenge and also considered me worthy to write in this challenge.. 😊
© jessj