

Threads in the Tapestry
We are but threads in the tapestry of life,
Each unique and different, yet all part of the strife.
But when we come together, we weave a stronger cloth,
Our colors blend and shine, our bond a bond of both.

We dance and sing, we laugh and play,
We learn and grow, we work and pray.
We stand together, hand in hand,
A united force, a solid band.

We lift each other up when one is down,
We share our joys and wear each other's crown.
We celebrate our differences, and all that we can be,
Together we are stronger, and our diversity is our key.

So let us come together, and make a world anew,
A world where love and unity, forever ring true.
Where every person is valued, and every voice is heard,
Where togetherness is cherished, and our bond is unperturbed.


© अतुल Purohit