

Corona in Battlefield
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,...........................................................................................................................
Silently spreading ghost in the world;
corona you are most worst phenomenon in the world.

Thousands life has gonna off
lockdown cities, silent streets and
absence of people crowd;
Horror as hollywood imaginative movies of destroying whole world,
Challenging for modern Scientific theory and medicals treatment,
we all are fighting together against you,
we're sure to defend against you.

praying hands of innocent people,
working hands of every doctors,
God is seeing how their child are in trouble;
we're waiting for get out of these threatened bubble.
we're praying to for no more humiliations,
we're following doctor's suggestions.
O God keep safe our doctors life.
they are struggling for your child's life.

These silent road and peace in market
breaking the people courage and pushing us in darkness.
million billion people are all together
their voices are same for save humanity.

O God ! save us
excuse us for our millions mistakes
It's enough we are taking it seriously
we fighting with seriously.
we don't know when those happiness came to us.
we don't know when the busy life and peace came to us.
Still we will fighting till our last breath
Corona will be surely defeat.
O god! give us courage make us strong we have to live lifelong.