

Invisibly Intertwined

A stab in the heart,
Has played it's part,
For all great art,
Have had their tragic start.

Long-lasting ties,
Engraved with everlasting lies.
An untruth so deep,
It haunts me in my sleep.

Been binded by these threads,
I'd say they've blinded us instead.

Sown our skin together,
Piecering pain but we don't see it.
We can't stay like this forever,
Pretending we don't feel it.

Hurting, but we don't say,
Hoping it possibly goes away.

You and I, we ravelled out twines around a tree of glee,
Now, there's just you, and there's just me, trying to free ourselves from these twines that have unravelled and tethered us to that very tree.
A tree of gloom it's come to be.

To be invisibly intertwined is insane,
When your buried in sadness, trying to bear immense pain.

I can't take this any longer,
When I know for what is true.
What's it going to be?
Forever bliss or forever brew?

Pieces of my heart,
Feeling all things vastly apart.
I know for sure there'll always be a piece, a part,
Connected to your heart,
For it has from the very start.

Threads and ties,
Twines and lies,
Connecting us to what we both love, and yet despise.

However good,
It's over for the better.
Parts of us from childhood,
Will forever write each other letters.

My journey continues tonight,
But of the woods,
And towards the light.


Poem Cover - Taken from Pinterest as it was free to use.