


I tried with all my might
O'er forgotten days
You lived thru my mind

Cannot succumb to you
Breaching my barricade
Glimmering image of you
Seem to hastily fade

Rummaging thru my
evanescent hope
Swirling deep inside,
Tidals of tears to cope

Contagious name of you
Remaining just got devoured
Inevitable on every breath
Memories made me writhe

Ferocious battle with my head
'Tween tranquility and anxiety
Tire my soul, seems I'm dead
Glad I woke up from fantasy.

You had come to be buried for good
Needless it shall mess up my mood.
Tremor no more , or as you like
Prove erasing you was right.

© jyannu
#writings #poetry #heartbreak #relationship #writco #love #art