

You Alone
If ever you start to wonder if I love you still,
Remember that I do. I always have and will.
If you need further proof of these feelings I have for you,
Here are a few things to show you that they are strong and true.

My mind thinks not of anyone else but you, my love so dear.
I think about you everyday so you don't need to fear.
If you need more proof then my eyes see no-one else but you.
They see your beauty and your flaws, and the sweet things that you do.

Your scent entices and tells me to hold you very tight and close.
It tells me quietly that you, alone, are the one I love the most.
Your sweet and gentle voice pleases my ears each time you speak,
It beckons me closer to you and makes my entire body feel weak.

And when I gaze upon your lips, I yearn to feel them on mine,
So I can show you how I feel and give you the perfect sign.
A sign that shows that the love I have for you will last forever.
And I will cherish your love and touch for as long as we're together.

© voiceofsilence

photo by: Kelly Prince-Wright
#Love&love #poem #romance