

A summer holiday,
as wind moves back,
and the sweet aroma,
the salt can have.

Even the noise,
can become a melody too,
when I'm next to the shore,
when I'm next to you.

The hot sand,
isn't a problem for me,
as long as I know,
that I will soon reach the sea.

I will throw myself,
in the silk blanket of it.
I will feel it freezing,
and hard to go in.

But the more I walk forward,
I see that now I am warm,
only in the blaket of liquid,
that absorbs me whole.

Scared to even let a single way,
for the air to come in,
as long as I'm in the water,
I'll forever feel free.

As long as I know,
you'll hold me and you're near,
I can close my eyes,
..rest and fall asleep.

I can swim the waves,
secure I will not fall in.
I know you are here,
..here, right next to me.

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#poem #sea #waves