

The more you want a reply from a person, the more they'll keep silent.
The more you yearn for a word from their lips,
The more they'll hold their tongue, and silent slips.
The eagerness in your eyes, they can see,
And with each passing moment, their silence grows with glee.

Their quietness is a shield, a defense so strong,
A test of your patience, where your heart can't belong.
The more you crave a response, a whisper, a sigh,
The more they'll keep their secrets, and pass you by.

In this game of silence, you're left to wonder why,
Their lips are sealed, and their voice, a distant, fading sigh.
But perhaps, in the stillness, you'll find a truth profound,
That the more you want a reply, the more they'll keep silent, unbound.

So let go of the need, the longing, the pain,
And in the silence, find a peace that remains.
For in the end, it's not the words that define,
But the love and understanding, that's truly divine.
© Davis_Dynamic