

"I Was Born To Be Lesser Than Me"
I was born to struggle, to be alive wasn't a blessing, when I was given two nothing ass parents, and being born black was an automatic foul on the play, and can only be looked at as a double fumble,

I don't mean to sound ungrateful for life, but shit, since I was a kid everything around me has seemed to be fucked up, and never sturdy, and fast to crumble, I'm not one to sugar coat, the hand I was dealt, or put my head down in shame, or ever mumble,

I'm proud to be a survivor of my time, a lot of people that walk the same lines, deep in the trenches of the madness of the same ghettos, never emerge from the rumble, They died alone with their shadows, unknown, with no chance to atone, for their wrongs, or even coming close to achieving their God given full potential,

All that I had, or was, or still maybe against, hasn't prevented me, from growing into a God fearing King, a sympathetic and wanting to be forgiven human being, honestly, between you and me, I was once a monster in them streets, I was fueling my walk in this life with anger, death and money,

People speak about sex, power and greed, It's no need, MONEY, makes one hand over everything, it rules the WORLD, but it also stifles one's perception to believe that all you've let close to you, is there for you, with undying LOYALTY. But come on…. we know that's very uncommon within today's way of things, lol, that kind of thinking will get you killed, kidnapped, or just robbed continuously,

So the street of 6300 I'll 4ever bleed….And I'll always remember where I come from, and how I started this life with little, or no hope, a lot of roadblocks, and just the strength of me….👌
