

If only

He, who continue
to look after her,
watches as she turned
her back from Him.
Could never see a sign
of her glancing
to even check if He is in pain or anything.

However, despite of all
the years that comes by,
As the seasons continues to change,
and hundreds of presents that becomes yesterdays.

He is still there.
On the place their love started.
The very same corner where
she abandoned, her faith.

Despite the curses,
and accidental mistakes;
that can be also called sins.

He will always be there,
willing to accept her again.
If only could she allow herself
to accept Him again, He is more than
willing to open the gates of heaven.

But as He watches
As His child, stumbles
and keeps falling deeper,
getting further and further.

He could only patiently waits
for her and to those also like her.
To see and accept His warmth again.

© Bashful