


Do you know how much I love you?
I would say: I love you more than myself
Though, I do and I love to be like this
Till life wither in the stem of my soul
Like flower thus in the arms of a dried tree.

I wish I could write your name
In the heart of standing white flame,
And beseeches it to be carried carefully
At its tip while being journeyed peacefully
To the abode of eternal joy of no sadness
Where love won't have us in the pit of mess.

I feel like seeing you
At every ticking of clock.
I feel like you being the sky blue
I see during the first crow of cock.

I want you to know, undoubtedly, that
Loving you has become my dream's part.
It has become my usual night's dream
Whenever I close my eyes and the light dimmed.

If love should be a crime,
Permit me to commit it.
Let in the jail, I spend my time
Till on earth to live, I am unfit to fit.

You've become my muse
Since you're the one I choose.
I have been full of inspiration
As you're the one in my aspiration.

Let love looses its arms of no harms
To embrace the conqueror of billion-sperms
As light looses not its cute brightness
Till "I do" dwell in the midst of lightness.

Omolara, my expensive White Pearl,
Let me be the one for whom you care
Till to the death's drum our buttocks whirl
& my eyes' hollow filled with departing tear.

© Ken Thuranira