

Drunken Accidents
In shadows cast by bottles, dark and tall,
Lies a tale of drunken accidents, in the hall.
A life entwined with one who drowns in drink,
Whose actions under the influence, often make you shrink.

When the sun dips low, and night takes its reign,
The demon of alcohol awakens, causing pain.
Words become weapons, flung in the air,
In the grip of the bottle, they no longer seem to care.

Thrown objects shatter, like fragile trust,
In this tempest of chaos, we're both lost.
But come the dawn, with a sober gaze,
Apologies flow, in a desperate haze.

They speak of the liquor's malevolent hold,
How it steers them astray, a story often told.
"I didn't mean it," their words, a refrain,
But the cycle repeats, causing endless pain.

A battle within, against the spirits they crave,
Yet each night, the alcohol becomes their grave.
In the morning's light, remorse fills the air,
But the evening's descent brings back the despair.

Drunken accidents, a relentless theme,
A house of chaos, torn at the seam.
The alcohol's power, a nightly rover,
Leaves hearts broken, over and over.

© Nox ♡