

DEAR self,
Dear self,
Can you hear me?
What thoughts colour yours today?
What goals will you achieve someday?
You spend your time dreaming of glory,
While your life waits aside for its own story,
Your story where you are the hero.

What is the colour of your passion?
is it yellow?orange?Red...
No,it's your colour,your perception.

Which is your happiest moment?
that made you laughed the most,
is there any person behind your
It is yourself!

who set on fire in you?
that brightens you every day
Who put out fire in you?
that makes you a frozen field.
It is yourself!

what do you like most to see?
It is your own face!
What do you like most to hear?
It is your own name!

Have you ever lived for yourself?

© Kalyani