

"In the depths of nothingness, a void so dark and vast,
A silence screams in anguish, where shadows forever last.
A hollow emptiness, that echoes through the mind,
A desolate expanse, where hope is left behind.

The darkness reigns supreme, in this abyss so wide,
Where shadows hide their faces, and silence is their guide.
The void's dark majesty, is a sight to behold,
A realm of nothingness, where hearts are forever cold."

"The end of all beginnings, the last farewell's sigh,
A place where memories whisper, their final goodbye.
The final curtain call, where souls take their last flight,
A realm of eternal darkness, where stars shine without light.

In this desolate landscape, dreams wither and decay,
And the echoes of memories, fade away.
The silence is a shroud, that wraps the heart in pain,
As souls surrender to the void, and forever remain."

"In oblivion's darkening fold, all luminance grows old,
A sepulcher where dreams are laid, their beauty to unfold.
The shadows dance upon the wall, a somber, mournful sway,
As hope's last embers fade to gray, and joy's light fades away.

In this cold, dark place, where dreams are entombed, and lost,
The silence is a heavy frost, that chills the heart and costs.
The grave of dreams, where young and old, alike, do sleep,
A place where love, and joy, and hope, their eternal slumber keep."

"The darkness consumes, with an insatiable might,
All that was cherished, leaving only endless night.
It feeds on joy and love, and all that's pure and bright,
Leaving only void and despair, a hollow, gnawing fright.

The shadows creep and crawl, like a loathsome, living thing,
Devouring all in their path, with a ravenous, deadly sting.
They leave behind a desolate land, a wasteland cold and gray,
Where hope's last light is extinguished, and fear reigns supreme by day."

"In this vast and endless void, time's pulse beats no more,
A world where silence reigns supreme, and life's warmth is no more.
The grayness of eternity, stretches out to infinity,
A lifeless landscape, devoid of sound, in a perpetual symphony.

The stillness is a heavy shroud, that wraps the heart in pain,
A never-ending day of nothing, where joy's light cannot reign.
The abyss of nothingness, a chasm deep and wide,
A world without a whisper, where love's voice is silenced, and died."

"In the void's dark, endless sea, no hope dare sail or roam,
No peace, no refuge, from the shadows that forever roam.
Only the echoes of what's lost, in the silence of the night,
Haunt the desolate landscape, a mournful, ghostly light.

The darkness reigns, a monarch cold, without a heart or throne,
The silence is a heavy chain, that binds the soul to atone.
The echoes of memories past, whispers of love and delight,
Are all that remain, in the void's dark, endless, sleepless night."

© godshand