

Story of my love, the memories my life.
The first time i held you,its my heart that responded,
I knew I wanted you, my mind began reminisce,of the unknown future,of the unplanned life.
With no regrets at all,trust me my love with no regrets, I longed for you,my life changer,my reason to love.
when you made the moves,u proved to me that what i was feeling was real,making me crave for you even more,I couldn't wait anymore but I had to wait coz all my attention had switched.
When I say u made me forget all my pain, believe me this feeling is way on another level they judged but all that made me want u more.
Then finally after the all patience,the sleepless nights, you came, after the screaming and endless singing, the unexplainabe pain, my love came, my precious jewel,
Tiny and lovely, the prettiest thing I have ever owned, I could not believe that I had signed for such a gorgeous thing, u made me believe that my inside is beautiful, because it's only you who has been there,
You made my life worth it.
You showed me real love.
You thought me real responsibility.
You gave me the best tittle.

© joslyn