

Am I'm really that different from everyone else I guess I am I stick out like a sore thumb, the black sheep in the heard, the reject, the out cast

Everyone else always wears such radiant clothing while mine are all dark colors and misleading

Everyone else are always so proud of their achievements and what they accomplished while I'm always focused on what the negative part of it all

Everyone else is active and social while I'm quiet and reserved but doesn't mean I'm not active

Everyone else is looks like a model or is chubby but still looks beautiful while I'm in between I'm thick and more than ashamed of it

Everyone else was born talented or has become talented as well maybe there's something their good at while I'm a talentless piece of trash, everything I try turns out to be a dissaster the only thing I can manage is writing and photography

Why do I have to compare myself to everyone else

Everyone else always has a smile or a facial expression that's genuine while mine is hallow its not sincere not even in slightest nothing those I truly trust or actually have seen farther than my hallow eyes

I truly am a misfit

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