

...Not For Mothers
I celebrate you
Oh! Great warriors with no weapon
Yet you've won many battles with no doubt
Chameleon in all situations
Adapting and breaking limitations

You who have no limitation of power
Only the ones you ain't ready to conquer.
Tempest yet tender
Desperate yet merciful
Only a few can quench your fire

No man can ever know your mystery Only a few get to see your full beauty You who sticks her tongue at death
Make pose to its threat
And still live to celebrate.

A lot you've carried on your back
And yet unhunched.
Sweet lovely muse even in chaos
Your words are like morning dew
Charging through the heart of warriors

Paddlers of virtue
Cradles for morals
Mi o to ri yin fi (I dare not disrespect you)
You who from whom springs
Forth Groom or Doom.

My poem not only for mothers
But for every Moremi Ajasoro,
The bearer of touch.
The Darer and Quencher of Wars.
© Ayo_bami