

Me and Them.
All those dear ones that I have lost forever!
By means of their deaths,
Or those living out of my realms of imagination,
Somewhere , someplace unknown.
They live within me unnoticed!
In my remembrances and nostalgia,
In unperishable memories of those good times!

They come alive and they come so close so soon!
Surprisingly, close beside me in the air!
The air that I breathe,in my visions that are real!
They live on with the same grace!
The way they used to be,
They did not age in time like me,
They have stopped that ticking machine!

And as for me!
I'm not only that same person!
That I have been thinking I have been.
I've been that mysterious being!
That makes me fear circumstances.
I've been also that person within,
That curses me mercilessly when I fail!
That same person who remains,
Indifferent in my moments of joy,
And mocks me for everything,
That I do wrong!
And then, aftet inflicting countless miseries!
Unbearble pain amd hoplessness!
Abandons my being, to watch the fun!
It doesn't understand and doesn't stand by me!
Drowning in silent vacuum without any hope to see.
And in those empty spaces of silence!
I call upon all those good old lost souls,
Who are no longer ghosts or haunting spirits!
Illusions or hallucinations!
But soothing angels of mercy!
Pickimg me up from where I am,
Allowing me to cry ,as they hug me back!
Back to my power ,to fight!
To be the way I ought to be!
© Avik Datta Gupta