

You proud of that shit?
No way

She called me gay

Why have you done this?

I don't care about that shit

You excel in areas you think your word's did shit

I don't need a knife, how I exist

I don't kill kids

I don't care if you're willing die over bullshit

That's just what it is

Fucking over my own people isn't good for business

I'd rather die than live in fear

All you'd have to do is come here

I'm always lacking, watch for those that would do more than give a genetic reaction

If they don't care, I guess it was bound to happen

The routes I walk in life weren't meant to be easy anyway

You're supposed to live like you knew you'd die someday

If you didn't think your imaginary pride was in a state of decay?

You wouldn't react that way

Just life

Just the price

To make anything nice

Watch your steps

The lyrics YouTube couldn't put out, scare me to death

It's not impressive

What's good?

How far you get with your attitude?

An antique gonna call me gay, an drive away

Does he ghost write for you?

Think I cared for how little he cared to improve

Imma fight some men had to lose

Had my headphones in, and I'm gay because your woman looks at me more than you?

I'm speaking on, the way grown men treated me before you even cared to

At one point I was impressed by you

Till my stupid queue, played that stupid shit by you

Oh, you think that way too?

I'm disappointed not surprised

Every word would hurt so much more if I was just a straight guy with no sort of knowledge to actually apply

You ask the wrong people when you wanna certain reply

I don't wonder why

Life has always been difficult for those that try

I respect the artistry

I don't care for anyone they tell me to like

I been listening to those I love my entire life

I always double check to see whether or not they're gay

Reasonable people think that way

If you make great music, imma listen anyway

Maybe we should appreciate great minds that weren't easy to sway

Otherwise we'll be stuck with these antiques an the excuses for all the shit they say

I won't wake up back in your day

I won't backpedal an disrespect myself so you feel okay

If you didn't always wanna go back, I might have listened to your music anyway

I feel like I'm already in an advanced state of decay

The way I respect artists that'd happily see my body carried off by a coroner anyway

That's what killed the idea of a code

I wouldn't stifle my growth

Trying to revert to the state of the respect you showed

You wanna tell people how it goes

As if that won't grow old

As if they won't see past the lies they told

Give me liberty or hate whoever broke the mold

I won't leave my children alone with lies

I won't entertain being portrayed as these other guys

I'll let our good memories be the only reason my children cry

If you gotta problem with me

End my misery

I'd give my entire life, so they knew I tried

To do everything but uphold countless lies

Achieve the growth so many greatly despise

Pray they see past all the ugly shit

When did I tell you to be quiet?

I needed every bit of the rage you incited

So my concerns could be highlighted

So La'Reyah an La'Taeyah could see more than a man merely reacting because he felt slighted

Love requited

I need you, not a style I'm biting

Fuck your notoriety, I been existing even if it wasn't to your liking

You speak on men you weren't willing to fight

How the fuck could I take anyone's life

An believe I was moving right?

Diplomacy might fall upon deaf years, but it meant more than it appeared

I'd rather be loved by them than feared

So when they reciprocate, it's their own choice not a tyrannical rule their forced to adhere

I've been too quite about the kids I hold dear

If I can't hold them, I don't belong here

I'm always lacking, an that's on everything

Without them, I have nothing

City of firsts, if you feel compelled to do something?

I'll always love those girls, life without them is painful

An whats worse than the misery

Is not knowing what they'll get to see

Will they remember enough to remember me?

Will they cherish all those memories?

Stop speaking about me, if you can't even acknowledge what I contributed

Talking shit is just like cussing

The more you do it, the more people think you're stupid

What the fuck are you doing?

My life can diminish it wouldn't touch the mind I'm losing

Hurting over actual issues is fucking confusing

While they support the parent that's carelessly abusing

Merely because it's entirely too difficult to work towards improvement

It don't yield the right kinda attention

You're supposed to neglect your children for the woman you love?

I can die tomorrow, more than half of you will still be that dumb

Thinking children are just here to carry the brunt of that negative outcome

A means of support for worthless people that have none?

Tell them how you eat her medicine till she's in pain because she has none

Do better

Big sis

I'll deal with anyone standing on that disgusting shit

News flash

No one wants your easy bitch

They border my state, have I acted like I gave a shit?

People that are only versed in using those around them shouldn't exist

I assure you they won't be missed

An you can believe every bit of the bullshit

I'm gracious, she's not someone I gotta deal with

I was repulsed that she'd ask me to go back to her place, I don't move like your sister stay the fuck outta my face

You can keep lying about treating your little sister that way

I care enough to point out you'd treat her that way

Sickle cells are thinner than water

I always cared more than she did about her

An for that imma monster?

I told her the truth because honesty no matter how ugly is what I prefer

An yes it is very stupid of me to think I could make anything work with anyone triggered by honesty

Constantly pissed because the mask kept falling off in front me

My kid's love me

The only reason I exist

Take it up with me, if you're pissed?

My children don't need to deal with all the extra bullshit

© mario2895