

Ohh the readers of my fellow poem,
I am here to address you the fast change that the world has come over
that has led the honest ones to be quietude..
Of the current setting of the world I say you,
First I feel ignominy in my head to deliver you.
There is no place for the truth now to be left on the earth,
But the flag of the false kingdom lies high above the earth.
The man today is now most luxurious,
Forgetting his duties in way to destruction.
May be this destruction is not wrong for him to accept,
But the true one sees that if it as a bad concept.
Sapiens have forgotten their culture and tradition today,
All seemed to be following blindly the western modern culture
like mads.
No place in the earth is of a bit happiness,
But the world runs behind it even if in full of sadness.
The honest teachings by the honest ones are of no use,
As the demented takes it all as just as a fuse.
The world today runs by the reign of fake ones,
No one listens to the true knowledge of moral ones.
No one knows that they themselves are in a way to the Hell,
Carelessly following the bad luxurious commands they fell.
I see no gleam of desire to emend the situation,
But feel my head to be despicable upon this very condition.