

To wish to hurt
I stare longingly into the unknown
My bane of exsistence held in my palm
And yet the respect I recieve is less than I give
I know I deserve better
Yet I still fall fool to the same traps
The same cat and mouse game with the wrong people
People who want to hurt me
The real me who hides behind my facade
Even though that's the person they never see
Life, as we know it has come to an end
Once the cycle starts up again, there is no turning back from the adventure you left behind
The world is a cruel place with cruel people
But no one lifts a finger when the wronged ones are hurt
No one budged when they were bullied
But once the bullied becomes the bully,
It is all over
For no fault of their own they had been thrust into this world
A selfish, unforgiving world in which the deprived suffer immensely
Such as the result of their fate being sealed by intentionally actions
Bestowed by others who fear their ego will be dented
For the scent of internal blood shed they rise from their self-risen pedestals
Just to bring everyone down with them at the bottom
Then make their way back up to the very top

© Tannni