

"In Search"
I am in search for that person,
Who is synonymous with my version !

Not in the search for that grandson of rich,
But for that pearl from the scratch !

The one who would delight me with an aura of pleasure,
And not with the crown of imitation !

The one whose presence is my existence,
And not the one whose absence is my happiness !

The one for whom I will be the reason for smile :-)
And not the one, who would laugh at me after a while !

Ya! The one who will surmount me with his protection at night,
And not the one who will descend me after a fight !

The one who will flourish me with his madness,
And not the one who will wither as the leaves in autumn !

Probably in search for that person
To whom I can give the equal I expect !

B'coz, I want to live in the shelter of roses;
And not in the palace of thorns !!!

Penned by~ Charmi Kaneriya ✨

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