

Escape from Darkness
What is this darkness that has captivated my soul and my life?

Who are these demons I am hiding and entertaining?

The ugliness of others have cut so deep.

I can no longer recognize the life that God has given me.

What is this darkness that has kept me chained and massacred by lies.

God told me of the Sun and transparency before I could utter a word.

Loud screaming Fear is not the master of my life.

I heard the angels singing, but fear is a loud deception convincing innocence of its power.

The angel said the "ten thousand things" are yours; but fear argued, God has given you nothing.

What juxtaposition fear is to life.

Fear is an incompassionate jailer.

The darkness cannot continue to hide the Sun. The Sun is the only life, and the darkness is a counterfeit.

The gutters are dark dungeons, but the hills are green and full of love.

Escape with me this day, and return with me to the green hills.

Move into the light where there is no darkness or shadows or dungeons of the enemy's thoughts.

It has all been deception.
© China Clark