

Forever My Mother's Love
Nothing like a mother's love
Only thing comparable a mother's hug
Responsible, my first love was my mother's Love
The building blocks & the first piece to the puzzle was
My mother's love,
My mother loves
Her grandchildren
Little bundles of love
Her joys, it gets cold
Let grandma bundle you up
Boy Act up
Leave it to Nana to humble you up
Catch you when you stumble a bunch
Fix you up with kisses, hugs
Rinse and neosporin your cuts
Cooking something delecious
A Mother's touch will bandage you up
Always take time to listen
Because at anytime a mother's love is enough
When somethings missing
Or times when the going gets tough
The right decision
Just talk to mom
She'll stress "Just send your prayers above"
My First love whom I first loved
Who got me when the worse comes
Or the hurt comes
Where my love was birthed from
Love is first from
Always and forever my mother's Love
© Devon O Horsford