

TIME ⌛⏱️


Time is passing like
Blink of an eye 👀 , or
Like water 💦 gushing from mountain height
And day following the night 🌃
Can u match up with the time passing by ?

Situation changes with time
Like black & white "the horse stripe"
Either matchup with situation hype
Or wait for bad time to ripe

Happiness or sadness , matter of time
One follows the other like their word's rhyme
Both mixes like water in life's lime
Isn't in life time is prime ?

Time is the best teacher
Gives lesson of vivid nature & pragmatic feature
If you face time with this lens
You will beInduced with experience
Which helps in situation tense 😬

Time is not only ticking of clock ⏰
Always comes with vivid situation in stock
To give you the emotional shock 😲
You choose to flop or rock
